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Progress towards


General steps for checking your graduation status:

  1. Review AMES graduation requirements

  2. Evaluate your standing using ASPIRE

    • Log in to your ASPIRE account

    • Click the College and Career Plan button (Right hand side, middle of page ~or~ if you are using your phone, it will appear towards the bottom of the page)

    • Completed categories will appear green.  Clicking on the different categories will highlight the courses that cover those requirements.  If you ever have a questions about graduation status, credits, or how to evaluate your status, please contact your counselor.  Thank you!


Interested in retaking the ACT or trying your had at the SAT?  Link to register for both test are above.


If you are planning to take an AMES/U of U course we highly recommend that you get familiar with the website. Every question about the program, courses, prerequisites, qualifying test scores, etc. can be found here.  Take a look! 




Students that did NOT qualify for their U of U classes with their ACT Math score OR younger students that have not yet taken the ACT are encouraged to take the Accuplacer test(Cost: $18.50).  The test consists of 2 parts: Quantitative Reasoning, Algebra, and Statistics, and Advanced Algebra and Functions.  We highly recommend studying for the both parts.  Study materials can be found by visiting the Accuplacer website

AMES is hosting the Accuplacer!

Wed, May 19 @ 1pm

Thurs, May 20 @ 1pm

Fri, May 21 @ 11am 

*Students without a U of U ID #, enter an 'X' and your phone number, no area code, in that field. Ex: x5551234

The Academy for Math, Engineering & Science

5715 South 1300 East,  Salt Lake City, UT 84121                     Phone (801) 278-9460  

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