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Dear AMES Students


Dear AMES Students and Families,

We miss seeing all of you at school and are thinking of you! We know that this is not the school year we expected. We are all learning to be flexible and just going through things day by day.

We also know that our current situation can cause anxiety. Remember that no one has experienced what we are experiencing today, so you are not alone. This is new to all of us (and then the earthquake happened!). There are many apps that you can download for free that focus on helping us calm ourselves when we begin to feel overwhelmed. We will also be posting more resources soon. Even though we cannot meet in person, please remember we are here for you!  Breathe into the pressure, and you will be surprised by what comes out on the other side of this adversity.

The counselors will be working from home and we are planning to be available during regular school hours. Here are some ways for you to contact your counselor while we are learning from home:

Canvas Course- Counseling Common Room- We have created a class on Canvas as a way for you to communicate with your counselor. You should notice the new class on your schedule starting March 24.

Email- You can always email your counselor and we will respond as soon as possible:

Kari Gardner-

Denece Taylor-Begay -

Phone- You can still call your counselor and we will try our best to answer the phone during school hours. If you are calling after school hours, you may leave a message and we will get back to you.

Denece Taylor-Begay 801-278-9460 ext 105

Kari Gardner 801-278-9460 ext. 104

Online Chat- We will be available from 9am - 12noon and 1:00 pm to 3:30 pm. The online chat is on the bottom of this website.

11th Grade College and Career Plan Meetings- We are still planning on holding individual meetings with parents and students in April (if we are out of school, we will have online meetings).  More information will be coming soon.

We will also be posting resources on our Canvas Page, the Counseling News Blog and of course on this website to help you. Please be patient with us as we figure this all out and more importantly, take care of yourselves.

AMES Counseling Team



The Academy for Math, Engineering & Science

5715 South 1300 East,  Salt Lake City, UT 84121                     Phone (801) 278-9460  

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